Shell Ridge Community Church Walnut Creek and “Feed the Kids”

Shell Ridge Community Church in Walnut Creek has whole heartedly supported “Let’s Feed the Kids,” a Contra Costa County Multi-faith Action Coalition group formed under the Food Security Task Force. Financial donations, paper products, diapers of all sizes, and many hours of volunteer time have been given to this group as they provided families in the Shelter Inc. transitional housing in Pittsburg with food at the end of each month.

Shell Ridge also currently with LFTK provided 16 volunteers and 170 jars of peanut butter and once again financial donations so food could be provided for 277 families from 9 Richmond/San Pablo schools during Winter Break partnering with Temple Beth Hillel. The Winter Break project provided each family with a box of durable foods such as tuna fish, beans, rice, oats, canned chicken, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, tomato sauce, beef stew and a science game; a second box was full of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Each family also received a frozen turkey. This food was provided during the holiday break when federal school breakfasts and lunches are not available for the children. No children should be hungry.

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